About Us

Hello. Randy and Julie Beckwith here. 

Our Dilemma:

Do you have $100,000 to spend on your outdoor living space?  Nope. We didn’t either! Not even half that! And when we tried to find information, advice and resources about how to develop an outdoor living space on a budget, we couldn’t find any. All our Google searches seemed to land on websites trying to sell very expensive patio furniture. 

Research, Research, Research . . .

So we had to spend time digging into a lot of different areas to help us figure out the steps we should take to make our outdoor living space a reality. We didn’t know which books to read, courses to take, shows to watch, the right professionals to consult or even the right questions to ask. It was slow going, especially because our budget was so tight. 

And yet today, we have the foundation of a spectacular outdoor living space! Have you heard that phrase “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”? That’s how we did it, simple steps, one at a time.  We say foundation because we continue to learn and explore ways to make our outdoor space more comfortable, enjoyable and personal – and our budget has not changed! 


Welcome to the LivingOnThePatio community. This blog is for you if you want to have a beautiful outdoor living space but don’t have lots of money at your disposal. Whether you are a first time homeowner or a downsizing retiree, you want to be smart about developing an outdoor living area that will be useful to your family, comfortable to spend time on and increases the value of your home. 

Learn From Our Experience

Come see how our experiences led us to create resources that are practical and handy for the DIYer with real life suggestions on when to call in the professionals. We seek to have conversations with our community about their particular problems or issues with their spaces. And we are adamant about making sure you don’t waste your time or money making the mistakes or taking the wrong turns we have. 

We Want to Help You

This blog is intended to help others who want to expand their living space outdoors to take advantage of the research and construction we’ve already done so you won’t be starting from scratch. Most of all, we want you to have as much fun as we are having creating an outdoor living space that satisfies wants and needs without breaking the bank.

Please, explore all our blog has to offer:

  • Be sure and subscribe to this blog so you won’t miss anything new and important.
  • Check out the LivingOnThePatio Starter Kit, designed to help you plan, budget, and enrich your outdoor space with style and functionality. Perfect for beginners or those who are confident in DIY (Do-It-Yourself) without needing any further navigation to achieve your ideal outdoor living space.
  • For those wanting more guidance we’ve created the 17-page PDF workbook, A Guide to Creating an Ideal Outdoor Living Space. This tool will help walk you though every aspect of thinking about, planning, developing, and building your ideal outdoor living space. Included in the package are three 30-minute online sessions with your Chief Navigator, Julie.

And if you are searching for information that is not found here, let us know.  We will see how we can tap into our knowledge base to get you the answers you need.

And remember, every day is Friday on the patio!

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