Specialized Gardening Books livingonthepatio.com

Gardening Books: Specialized Gardening

Below is a listing of book titles in this category. Click on any book title to read a detailed review of the book. To purchase the book you may click on the “Buy Now” link in each review or search for the book in our “SHOP” section.

Knowledge is power. Be the best gardener you can be by adding to your knowledge base through further research in any one or more of the publications we are offering.

And remember, every day is Friday on the patio!

  1. The Mediterranean Gardener
  2. The New Gardener
  3. The Time-Life Encyclopedia of Gardening: Herbs
  4. Growing & Propagating Showy Native Woody Plants
  5. Training and Pruning Fruit Trees
  6. Better Homes and Gardens Step-by-Step Low-Maintenance Gardens
  7. Lasagna Gardening
  8. Square Foot Gardening
  9. The Harrowsmith Tomato Handbook
  10. No Nonsense Gardening Guide: Herbs the Year Round

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