Scrap Wrap

Randy's Eat Shop

Scrap Wrap. Is this a food recipe or just an idea? It’s both. It’s a recipe without an ingredient list. With limited instructions, that makes it an idea. Let me explain.

What’s in Your Refrigerator?

Do you sometimes open your fridge looking for something to eat and you find several tiny leftovers that aren’t enough for a meal in-of-themselves? What do you do with them? Combine them! They’re scraps, right? 

Combine the Scraps How?

Here’s what I did recently. I opened my fridge for breakfast. I wanted something different from my standard fare. I was looking at about a quarter of an onion. I had about two or three large spoonfuls of leftover fried potatoes. Those two would go together, right? And I had a half-eaten chicken thigh. Alone — individually — they weren’t enough for a meal. But chopped up and combined they were going to make two tasty breakfast scrap wraps for my wife and me. Here’s what they look like in my cast iron skillet before cooking (really, just reheating). 

Scrap Wrap ingredients ready to cook

What kind of Wraps?

I found these wraps that are much lower in calories than a regular four tortilla. That works for us. But any wrap you like will work just fine. Here’s a photo of the La Banderita brand I use — 45 calories per tortilla!

La Banderita carb counter tortillas

Put the Scrap Wrap Together

I have a gas stove so warming up the wraps is pretty easy — right on the burner over the blue flame. Have a piece of wax paper on your counter top and place the heated wrap on the paper. Smear some sour cream on the wrap or other favorite sauce (like the chipotle sauce in our Fish Tacos recipe). Fill your wrap with the heated scraps. Maybe top with a little salt and pepper and roll the wrap up. You are done and ready to eat.

Beginning Scrap Wrap with sour cream or other favorite creamy sauce
Beginning Scrap Wrap with sour cream or other favorite creamy sauce
Scrap Wrap with filling
Scrap Wrap with filling
Scrap Wrap warm, filled, wrapped, and ready to eat!
Scrap Wrap warm, filled, wrapped, and ready to eat!

The Scrap Wrap Idea . . .

The idea is this: what scraps (leftovers) are tucked into the corners of your refrigerator that, when combined, would make a great, tasty meal? Because I don’t know what’s in your fridge, I can’t provide you with an ingredient list. I can tell you that this is an easy way to be creative in the kitchen and make a simple, quick meal that’s hand-held (no dirty dishes). 

And here’s what will top it off. Make a cup of Randy’s Eat Shop Cold Brew Coffee (or grab a cold beer), and head out to the patio with your hand-held Scrap Wrap to enjoy the sunrise (or sunset) while you eat a culinary delight that you made yourself . . . from scraps.

Life happens on the patio so remember this: every day is Friday on the patio.

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Leave a comment below and tell us if this information was of value to you or let us know what we missed and can add to this post. Did you make Scrap Wraps? Was it as easy and delicious as we said it was? What “scraps” did you have in your fridge that you used? Did you modify the recipe? How so? Please include a photo so we can see how delicious your scrap wraps look.

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Randy Beckwith here. I’m thankfully retired. But, my career included graphic designer, copy writer and marketing professional. Now I live with my wife in Roanoke, Virginia enjoying time relaxing on our patio that was a necessary addition to our home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I love to cook fun, simple but tasty food. When enjoying an adult beverage on the patio it’s usually a vodka martini. And I do simple DIY projects to enhance our home and outdoors. We’ve had great fun building an outdoor living space on a “reserved” budget and want to share our experience with anyone who wants the same without breaking the bank. I hope you enjoy reading our blog. And remember, every day is Friday on the patio!

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