Stargazing – Great Entertainment on the Patio

Stargazing – the simple act of watching the night sky. It’s an activity you can do no matter your age or location, can be solitary or shared, fosters inspiration, alleviates stress and increases calm . . . and all you need to do is go outside in the evening and look up into the sky.

Stargazing: How to Get Started

While we recommend enjoying this activity on your patio (of course), all you need is a comfortable outside chair (we prefer our Adirondack chairs custom built by our great friends Preston and Pam Bankston) and your own eyes. You may not be able to see the dimmer stars or even the constellations, but planets such as Venus or Jupiter can be visible to the naked eye. Position your back to city lights and turn off lights in your vicinity both indoor and outdoor. Look for a clear view of the horizon, but it’s your choice whether you watch the sky as the suns sets or the moon rises.

Stary Night

Considerations: Stargazing is Best on Crisp, Clear Nights

There are several factors that affect stargazing. Cloud cover is the most common problem.  Also conditions like transparency, referring to the clarity in the sky, affect your ability to see stars at night. The stability of the atmosphere also plays a significant role in stargazing: stable atmospheric conditions can lead to a buildup of air pollutants; thunderstorms form when the atmosphere is unstable. The moon also plays a role. The best viewing nights are when the moon is a crescent or in gibbous phase, so it doesn’t pollute the sky with light. Generally, night sky viewing is best on crisp, clear nights versus hot, humid evenings.

Basics: Stargazing Maps and Apps

It helps to have a sky map or sky guide so you can learn the constellations. A few astronomy magazines have star maps available such as Sky & Telescope (offers an interactive sky map unique to your locale) and Astronomy. Another tool available for purchase is a planisphere or “star wheel” which is a handheld mutilayer cardboard and/or plastic device with a star map and a dial that you turn to match the current date and time.

Today there are several apps that can enhance the stargazing experience. My favorite stargazing app is Sky Guide from Fifth Star Labs LLC which has a free version available. These apps show the sky from your location at the current time and direction, identifying the stars, planets and constellations available with additional information about their distance and physical characteristics. And all you have to do is open the app on your mobile telephone and point the phone’s camera at something in the sky and the app will tell you what it is — a planet, a star or something else.

Upgrades: Viewing Devices

Once you familiarize yourself with the basics and begin to discover which planets, stars, and constellations are which, you might want to try binoculars.  Binoculars are actually recommended by Dr. Richard Tresch Fienberg (who earned his MA and PhD in astronomy at Harvard University) as a better beginner’s tool rather than a telescope. He says “Binoculars are easier to aim, show more of the sky in one ‘gulp,’ and give a right-side-up view.”


“By contrast, telescopes have tiny fields of view, making them hard to aim precisely, and they usually show the sky upside-down or mirror-reversed.” A telescope, however, will provide the clearest, best look at the stars and planets in our galaxy, as well as those in other galaxies, too.  There are many choices available at online retailers.

Solitary Benefits: Peaceful Quiet and a Whole Lot of Fun!

While connecting with nature in any form is good for the soul, there is something special about viewing the night sky by yourself or with a friend.  There is a peace and a majesty and an awe that provides serenity as you pause and stargaze.  It can be the perfect time to disconnect from the hectic pace, stress and screen time so prevalent in our lives.  We prefer our Adirondack chairs for night sky viewing not only because the angle allows you to look up without straining your neck but also has the perfect arm for eating that nighttime cocktail – a Hot Toddy on a chilly night or on a warm summer evening, a Cosmopolitan! Really though, a comfy chaise lounge, hammock, or that old comforter you’ve delegated for “patio use” also works perfectly for stargazing.

Entertain by Having a Star Party on the Patio

While stargazing can be a quiet time with yourself, sometimes it’s fun if others join you. A star party can be a simple affair – invite your friends, bring out the binoculars or telescopes, and look toward the stars together. Think of it as a chance to reconnect with your universe – both earthly and celestial – without ever leaving your patio.

Please Leave a Comment: Stargazing

We hope you have fun stargazing on your patio. Please leave a comment below and tell us how you liked this post . . . or not, and share some of your stargazing experiences.

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I’m Julie Beckwith, capable wife and now blogger. I seek to help homeowners improve their health and life while increasing the value and enjoyment of their home, all within budget. I’m good at numbers and have been the CFO – that’s Chief Family Officer – for the Beckwith family for a number of years now. I love my simple life in retirement and have become passionate about recycling, including reusing and upcycling as well as composting and gardening. This LivingOnThePatio blog is my latest interest after a career in product management for the 5th largest national bank and owner of a successful marketing agency. Today, I’m on a mission to assist homeowners to create and benefit from their own outdoor living space because life happens on the patio!

2 thoughts on “Stargazing – Great Entertainment on the Patio”

  1. All your blog info is so timely!
    I’m looking forward to following all your tips & suggestions! 😉

    1. Thanks, Carrie. What a better way to enjoy a balmy evening than to lie in a comfy chair on the patio and gaze up at the beautiful celestial painting in the sky above us all. We’re happy you’re looking forward to future posts. Life happens on the patio!

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