Start Your Garden By Composting

Compost Beginnings

My passion for composting started in 1985 when living in a semi-arid high desert rendered the yard we had a clay wasteland where even weeds struggled to grow. It was the first yard I had after growing up in Florida, where things seemed to grow out of thin but humid air – including bugs. Little did I know that that house I grew up in had been under the previous tender care of a retired gardener who, if not a practitioner of garden design, had at least the sense to add dirt and fertilizer to the sandy soil so prevalent in Florida. As a child I had not been privy to the proper workings of the garden ever since, in imitation of the grass stalks some kids would chew on, I had grabbed an elephant ear bud and stuck it between my lips (which then proceeded to double in size and turn purple, the plant being toxic). 

Intro to Composting

After living with and loving our flower pots from all those years of apartment living, I was now confronted with a corner lot that looked like the poster child for drought. I did not know how I was going to fix this without spending a fortune: and we had spent our extra funds renovating our cute 1926 French Tudor house.


The Background to Composting

Fortunately, and perhaps presciently, Denver was going through a severe drought in the early 1980s and water was being rationed at that time. That’s when Xeriscaping first began appearing in landscaping circles, the idea revolved around using as little water as possible and still maintain interesting and attractive landscapes. If I recall correctly, the city’s Water Department began to educate the public about water-conscious landscapes, which was right up our alley.  How does Xeriscaping connect to composting? Because number two of the seven principles of Xeriscaping is improving the quality of your soil. And you do that by composting. 

What is Composting?

In any case, not sure the source, but I remember getting a simple little booklet all about composting. 

I was fascinated! Remember learning about the Roman historian Cato the Elder’s 160 BCE piece De Agri Cultura in world history class? Composting!  Remember learning about ‘Night Soil’ and why was it so hugely important in Asia? Composting! Remember the story of the Pilgrims getting help from the Native Americans who planted their corn with fish heads? Composting!  So composting is really just adding some organic material to soil to help plants grow. It’s like store bought fertilizer but it’s something that ordinary people can create using kitchen scraps and leaves and paper. All that’s needed are four ingredients – browns, greens, water and air. 

The Official Science of Composting

So why was composting number two in Xeriscaping principles? According to the EPA there are quite a number of reasons:

  • Compost adds nutrients to the soil, introduces valuable organisms to the soil, including microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, which decompose organic material, promoting higher yields of agricultural crops.
  • Compost recycles kitchen and yard waste, helping consumers in many cities to reduce their waste management costs as well as reducing the need to buy fertilizers for gardens and yards
  • Composting reduces landfill waste. Organic waste in landfills generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas. By composting wasted food and other organics, methane emissions are significantly reduced.
  • Compost retains a large volume of water, thus helping to prevent or reduce erosion, reduce runoff, and establish vegetation. Compost even can help aid reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization efforts by improving contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils.
  • Compost improves downstream water quality by retaining pollutants such as heavy metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, oil and grease, fuels, herbicides, and pesticides (not that you’d want that stuff in your yard either).
Leaves for composting

The REAL Benefits of Composting

This is all scientific speak for:

  1. Getting bigger, better tasting vegetables because there are vitamins and minerals in the compost for the plants to grow – yes, just like you need your daily vitamin, so do plants.
  2. You don’t have to spend money on fertilizers anymore. Actually that’s what compost pretty much is – natural fertilizers instead of the chemical ones you get at the store. What’s more, some garbage services charge by volume so by composting your kitchen scraps and leaves, you can save money. 
  3. Just a few decades ago, every town had its own municipal dump. That’s not true today. Based on data collected by Waste Business Journal, over the next five years, total landfill capacity in the U.S. is forecast to decrease by more than 15%. This means that by 2021 only 15 years of landfill capacity will remain. Composting can help reduce the volume of our garbage and give us more time to figure out a solution.
  4. Ever see a mudslide in the news? Mudslides occur when a large amount of rain causes water to “liquefy” the soil and move it downhill. Vegetation is a great defense against mudslidesYup, healthy, well maintained plants and trees have roots that pretty much anchor soil and rocks in place so they don’t easily move.  And what helps a plant to be healthy? Compost!

How to Start Composting

I’m not going to recreate the ‘how-to’ wheel here because there are so many resources you can find about composting, even a magazine! There are MANY ways to get started composting – you can get a bucket, make a bin, buy a tumbler or simply start a pile in your yard.  Much of what you do will depend on the size of your yard, your annual or future plantings and how much waste you generate. There are MANY resources you can read – again, here is what the EPA says.  

composting pail
Photo by Gareth Willey from Pexels

We have a small covered waste can under the sink to collect all our greens – fruit & veggie scraps, coffee grounds, teabags, eggshells (although I store eggshells in separate jars because I use them for lots of things).  Our browns consist of newspaper, leaves, cut grass, even shredded or cut up brown cardboard boxes (brown boxes without printing or the tape and labels) – very useful information. I have both a tumbler for faster, concentrated compost and a pile bounded by our old fence gates. The compost pile is where the cardboard boxes start – I have to admit I get tired of shredding them into little pieces and sometimes I just throw larger strips into the mix. Piles, also called cold composting, will take a long time to break down, so start them well before your plantings. But if you want a vegetable or herb garden, plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, vines, etc. start composting.  It’s the one thing about gardening you can’t mess up: as I learned from my little booklet, 35+ years ago and has held true all these years . . . Compost Happens!

Download this FREE Worksheet: Outdoor Composting to help you get started.

Please Leave a Comment

What do you think? Please leave your comments below. Let us know your composting ideas. Do you have a compost heap or do you compost in a container? What do you use your compost for? Post a photo of your compost set-up.

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I’m Julie Beckwith, capable wife and now blogger. I seek to help homeowners improve their health and life while increasing the value and enjoyment of their home, all within budget. I’m good at numbers and have been the CFO – that’s Chief Family Officer – for the Beckwith family for a number of years now. I love my simple life in retirement and have become passionate about recycling, including reusing and upcycling as well as composting and gardening. This LivingOnThePatio blog is my latest interest after a career in product management for the 5th largest national bank and owner of a successful marketing agency. Today, I’m on a mission to assist homeowners to create and benefit from their own outdoor living space because life happens on the patio!

4 thoughts on “Start Your Garden By Composting”

  1. We have learned about this before but I love the way you broke it down Julie – looking forward to me and my family implementing composting so we can start our own family garden !

    1. Thank you, Kelly. Great dirt means great plants in your flower or vegetable garden. And great dirt comes from home composting. You’ll love the taste of your home grown tomatoes once you get your finished compost into your garden. Let us know how it works out. And remember, every day is Friday on the patio.

  2. Thanks for the downloadable (is that a word?) outdoor composting worksheet. I can’t wait to get started! I’ll keep you “com-posted”!

    1. Carrie, we know you’ll enjoy the world of composting. We’ve seen some great benefits to composting as we’ve put together our vegetable garden for this summer. I’m not promising, but stay tuned for some hopeful rock-star tomato photos later in the summer. And of course, fried green tomatoes! All compliments of the rich soil we’ve generated in our compost heap. Dirt happens!

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